Exercise: Ten Teacher Questions for Self-Reflection
Here are ten questions for teachers to ask themselves, answer, and consider as part of a self-reflection about teaching and learning. …
This website is dedicated to preparing students to be
"career, college and life ready” in an Era 3, 21st century world.
Have fun with 25 Signs that you might be a 21st century educator
How do we define and measure deeper learning? Download a blog here that tries to answer this question and refers to a recent report on deeper learning put out by the National Research Council.
Jay Mathews writes several commentaries about why research projects are worth doing in all schools and
the fact that they are a dying breed.
Is teaching and measuring non-cognitive skills as important as cognitive skills? Read Non-Cognitive Measures: The Academic Trend that could Change Everything to find out.
Should teachers be evaluated like athletes? Read this blog to find out.
One of our key Era 3 outcomes is for students to self-develop, find their interests, talents, strengths as part of the school experience. This blog explores the question: Does every kid need a passion?
Here’s a blog that describes seven misconceptions about learning.
Read this blog about integrating the teaching of writing into authentic performances.
Read this blog to understand five factors that help to drive the success of project based learning.
Find out how New Manor Technology High School, in Manor Texas, uses and implements project based learning in their school.
Read Will Richardson's Commentary on schools that learn "lifelong" and what that means at
Interesting article from the LA Times on
Read this blog commentary -- What Graduation Might Look like in the Future -- Is this the right direction?
Interesting commentary by Sam Chaltain - worth looking at for the seven questions we should be asking about schools and learning.
Commentary by Linda Darling-Hammond comparing educational policy in US with high achieving countries.
Here are ten questions for teachers to ask themselves, answer, and consider as part of a self-reflection about teaching and learning. …